Science and Faith in Islam

Science and Faith in Islam

Nature is a Sign from the heavens. It offers an inexhaustible reservoir of knowledge that reinforces faith. Man is a part of nature, immersed in the same ocean, connected to it by Divine Grace. This interconnectivity between man and nature offers humankind unlimited vistas to perceive Divine Signs in nature, and discharge the heavenly mandate to know and serve God.

It is a tragedy that modern man has dissociated himself from nature. He has accepted the compartmentalized assumptions of science that the body and soul are separate and distinct. He relegates the soul to “the other world”, while assuming that the body belongs to “this world”. In such a soulless world, he cannot find joy and happiness, justice and injustice, feeling and companionship. What he does feel is der angst. He is lonely, lost.

The function of science is to find the truth. In this grand enterprise, the mind, the body, the soul and the spirit work together. Man is both spirit and body. It is not the body that contains the spirit. It is the spirit that surrounds the body many times over. The secular cannot comprehend the spiritual. It is the spiritual, supported and confirmed by the empirical and the rational that leads to the truth.

Secular science has paraded itself claiming not only that it discovers the truth but that it has a monopoly on that truth. Modern man accepts the judgment of science as gospel. Alas! In the bifurcated and fossilized world-view of secular science, there is no feeling, no emotion and no love, only atoms and protons and chemical changes.

In this Series on Science and Faith we examine the various methods of acquiring knowledge, their characteristics and their limitations. The approach is universal and spiritual. The Qur’an is used as a source material, and the perspective is Islamic. This is a grand attempt, to integrate science, history and faith and offer humankind the possibility of an integrated world-view in which science and faith are partners, not antagonists.

Here is a list of the cf the chapters that have been populated so far

  1.  The Origin, Nature, Methods and Limits of Knowledge
  2. The Shariah includes Science and History
  3. Science As The Servant of Faith
  4. The Soul – Mirror of the Invisible World
  5. Does Science tell the Truth?
  6. Is there a Spiritual Perspective on Science?
  7. How do Humans Learn?
  8. A Spiritual Perspective on Knowledge
  9. The Miracle of Ice from the Heavens
  10. The Beneficial Effects of Lightning
  11. Nanotechnology
  12. Music Therapy
  13. Tasawwuf (Sufism) and Quantum Physics
  14. Theory of Evolution- Fact or Fiction?
  15. The Honeybee
  16. Medicine and Medical Education in Islamic History
  17. Why Did the Scientific Revolution Not Take Place in the Muslim World?
  18. How the NASA Hubble Space Telescope Was Built – A Personal Narrative
  19. Faith and Reason: The Junction of the Two Seas
  20. Scientific and Spiritual Attributes of the Heart – Some New Research
  21. Tasawwuf (Sufism)- Secret of Secrets
  22. Relationship between Science and Religion in the Modern Age
  23. Science and Religion – Dr. Nazeer Ahmed

  24. Qur’an and Science – Perspectives of a NASA Scientist (in 7 parts)

  25. A Bridge of Iron Between Faith & Reason
  26. Reconstruction of a Technological Culture in Islam – Part 1

  27. Reconstruction of a Technological Culture in Islam – Part 2

  28. How can Technology Help Muslims in Offering Prayers?
  29. Islam, Divine Action & Omnicience, Human Freewill, & Teodicy


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